With 25 years of experience in the fashion and lifestyle industry, including owning my own boutiques, I later established a successful fashion agency in Hamburg, Germany. There, I proudly introduced global brands to suitable retailers. Post-Covid, I sold my agency and embarked on a life changing journey with my family.

Traveling through the World and Latin American countries provided me with ample inspiration. I was lucky to immerse myself in the art of handcrafting, particularly in the shoe industry, as I’ve always valued beautiful yet comfortable footwear.

Most of the shoes I encountered in stores were either stylish but uncomfortable or comfortable but lacking in style. I often thought, “Surely, it can’t be that difficult to create shoes that women truly want!” Indeed, I discovered that most shoe designers for women were men who never wore the shoes or understood how they felt in them.

Thus, the idea emerged to create fantastic shoes that I would love to wear myself. If these shoes appeal to other wonderful women seeking something special and comfortable, then EMILIA MERZ is the perfect destination.

We prioritize sustainability and exclusive production, eschewing mass production in favor of a focus on a select few, yet beautiful and exclusive styles. Our shoes are designed for women to wear in their everyday lives and for any occasion, embodying my motto,

“Elegance is in the details, and the right pair of shoes can elevate any outfit from ordinary to extraordinary.”

Our shoes are a genuine product, with every step meticulously handcrafted, steeped in tradition, and made with love. We take pride in supporting family businesses and preserving the tradition and survival of artisanal craftsmanship.

Thank you!

Elvira Merz
Founder & Designer

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